10Follows an ambitious criminal defense attorney that, in his aspiration to be named partner, takes on a murder case of an artist.完美的人
1「出櫃與攀登胡德山很像,都很難。」台裔美籍導演 Devin Fei-Fan Tau紀錄四位酷兒運動員,攀登美國奧勒岡州胡德山的過程。這座活火山標高只有3429 公尺,但危險性十足,途中有11條冰川並長年積雪。「我們需要你的幫忙,我們需要你成為我們的盟友」,全片透過「登山」,暗喻「出櫃」所經歷的掙扎與是我的错
4Follows an ambitious criminal defense attorney that, in his aspiration to be named partner, takes on a murder case of an artist.- Part historical fiction, part conspiracy thriller, “Manhunt” will take audiences into the aftermath of the first American presidential assassination