- Three friends wanted to conquer the world with their music. With their super hit "Take on Me" they actually did. Even today the band a-ha
- 在一场可怕的车祸中,盖尔(弗里奥乔夫·萨海姆 Fridtjov Såheim 饰)失去了双腿,人生才刚刚开始的他无法接受这一巨大的打击,在痛苦和愤怒之间,盖尔选择了自暴自弃。生活在盖尔的眼中再也没有一丝美好了,就连美丽善良的妻子英格丽(克丽斯蒂·埃琳娜·托霍格 Kirsti Eline Torh
- 14世纪,黑死病肆虐以来第十个年头,恐怖绝症夺走挪威一半人口,国家萧条,人丁寥落。为了生计,有人铤而走险,干起杀盗劫掠的营生。穷人家少女欣儿(IsabelChristineAndreasen饰)随家人迁徙异地,但在荒野山间遭到匪徒袭击,父母、弟弟均被杀害,欣儿则暂得性命,随女匪首戴格玛(英格丽德·波
- Espen Ash Lad, a poor farmer’s son, embarks on a dangerous quest with his brothers to save the princess from a vile troll known as the Mountain King –