- 《Sheriff: Narko Integriti》是一部 2024 年马来西亚的悬疑动作惊悚片,由 Syafiq Yusof 执导和编剧,改编自他父亲 Yusof Haslam 的故事。缉毒局警员纳兹里认为,某冰毒集团的犯罪越来越严重,他们在审判过程中常常逃脱法律的制裁。纳兹里决定亲自解决这个
3After leaving the military, Hassan returns home to help his brother settle a debt, to do so they must team up to fight the organiser's sons.- Zafikisunjustlyimprisonedandnotpleasedaboutit.Whenheisreleased,hegetsthehelpoftheunhingedFeroztogetrevenge.
- This is the story about man who had a great way. His adventures and losses, his life make you to be surprised. We invite you in the middle ages - a
- 该电影以马来西亚海军特种作战部队为题材,叙述与该部队相关的故事。该电影的拍摄获得了马来西亚军方的支持,拍摄共耗费一千万令吉。导演称该片更重视真实性,主题是向无名英雄致敬。
2Aliff's unforgettable birthday celebration trip in an abandoned house previously occupied by Japanese Military.