- Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who ga
- 电影描述在二战期间,波兰护士与地下工作者Irena Sendler,利用职务之便出入犹太人管制区,将2500个犹太儿童偷渡出境的故事。
- A pool boy and a gardener turn an empty mansion into a home for women who belong to the world's olde...
- 热爱音乐的青春少女米琪·桃瑞斯(黛米·洛瓦托 Demi Lovato 饰)希望参加一个摇滚夏令营,但是昂贵的费用让她望而却步。幸运的是,她的母亲科妮(玛丽娅·加诺斯·贝瑞拉 Maria Canals ...