1It’sajollymesswhentwoyoungbridesgetlostfromatrain.Setin2001,somewhereinruralIndia.- Lekar Hum Deewana Dil (transl.Taking along our crazy hearts) is a 2014 Hindi language romantic drama film that stars Armaan Jain and Deeksha Seth. Joi
1The Story is purportedly based on real-life incidents which took place in the 1980s绝境希望
1A couple with a large blended family has grown apart. When the wife is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, their life breaks down and exposes neglec水之影
1少女珍娜背着自己的母亲与她骨瘦如柴的男友及其阴郁的老板一同开车前往市区。男友的老板令珍娜极度不安,城市的繁华也使她头晕目眩,当夜幕再次降临,少女将面临她的人生厄运。电影以现代故事重写古老寓言,探索和展现父权社会下恰似斯德哥尔摩情结的女性心理及其痛苦写照。- Mumbai-based CEO of Channel X, Jaikishan Shroff, has instructed h