1Comedy that takes the audience on a pub crawl around the seaside town of Hastings with its ensemble of fun and kooky characters as they tackle everyda劫机七小时
21ItwasannouncedinApril2022thatAppleTV+hadgreenlittheminiseries,whichwouldseeIdrisElbastarringandexecutiveproducing.GeorgeKaywillwritetheseries,andJimFi- It was announced in April 2022 that Apple TV+ had greenlit the miniseries, which would see Idris Elba starring and executive producing. George Kay w
- 这部4集剧讲述John Darwin伪造自己的死亡,以骗取人寿保险并避免破产。他和妻子Anne Darwin串谋,说服保险公司John Darwin独自去乘皮划艇时失踪,并得到超过25万英镑保险金。 当时债台高筑的Darwin家已经有抵押贷款,还刷爆了13张信用卡,共欠下6.4万债务,当时An
1A grief stricken captain embarks on his final mission in command of an ageing cargo ship. The ship's small crew, frustrated and discontent with th