3某东南亚政府与跨国企业合作,在落后地区大肆发展基建。美国工程师杰克(欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰) 因而被公司外派,携同妻女长驻当地参与项目发展。杰克以为能在椰林树影的东南亚惬意展开新生活之际,但是愤怒的当地居民却因政府借基建为名中饱私囊而爆发骚乱。政府警察 、军队节节败退,地区陷入无政- 讲述美国西部在南北战争15年间的多方面扩张及聚居,这段史诗般的旅程充满了危险和阴谋。
- When the beloved founder of a run-down theater camp in upstate New York falls into a coma, the eccentric staff must band together with the founder's c
1Follows Riley, who has recently been released from rehab after struggling with her addictions to food and body image. She will meet Ethan and finds