1Follows Riley, who has recently been released from rehab after struggling with her addictions to food and body image. She will meet Ethan and finds- A deeply repressed man, the uninhibited young man that gives him a happy ending, and all the lives they ruin along the way.
- 被讨厌的鬼缠住了?有恶魔偷走了你的核心记忆?那你最好给“死亡男孩侦探社”打个电话。 来认识一下埃德温·佩恩(乔治·列克斯图饰)和查尔斯·罗兰德(杰登·雷瓦里饰):他们是“死亡男孩侦探社”机构的“大脑”和“肌肉”。年少的埃德温和查尔斯相差几十岁,死后才相互结识。他们是最好的(鬼魂)朋友,负责破解
- A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline, in director Daniel Goldhaber’s taut and timely thriller
3新限定剧《Angelyne》,罗森饰演性感、艳丽而神秘的“广告牌女王”Angelyne,金发狂野。亢奋 第一季