- 一群特殊的退伍军人徒步旅行者帮助一位退伍军人对抗抑郁症、创伤后应激障碍和自杀倾向,他徒步穿越阿巴拉契亚山道,携带 363 张军人姓名牌,执行防止退伍军人自杀的任务。这是一个真实的故事。D
12菜鸟警察威尔(希米什·帕特尔饰)和他的流氓搭档特里(约瑟夫·高登-莱维特饰)在一个犯罪现场(由他们自己制造的)意外发现一百万美元,从而颠覆了他们生活的这个小镇。- CIA的反恐行动已经接近尾声,Joe(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)、Kaitlyn(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)和Byron(迈克尔·凯利 Michael Kelly 饰)招募了一名新特工来潜入一个以前不为人知的威胁。随着来自各方的压力越来越大,Joe作为“母狮”计
1At a quiet motel, a rising star in the film industry must confront her past as she navigates her flourishing career and delicate personal relationship高处营救
1Two single parents of young daughters, grow closer as they contribute to each others' projects - Cadence with the wedding and Henry with his high-pr- A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell.
- Grant MacLaren and his team find themselves in FBI custody with no means of escape, while a mysterious new traveler reveals secrets to his psychiatris
- A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell.