- 1961年9月18日,时任联合国秘书长达格·哈马舍尔德 (Dag Hammarskjöld) 遭遇离奇空难身亡,鉴于其不顾欧洲势力支持刚果独立的立场,他的死被认为并非意外所致。半个多世纪后的今天,丹麦记者兼电影制作人麦斯·布鲁格 (Mads Brügger) 与其瑞典私人侦探搭档约兰·比约克达尔
- 《自拍》是16岁的戴维德·比福尔科(DavideBifolco)一案的独特记录,他在特雷亚诺的那不勒斯(NeapolitanDistrictofTraiano)被一名宪兵射杀。为了了解一个经常被描绘成贫民区和“卡莫拉”据点的街区,以及戴维德死亡的情况,导演Agostino Ferrente寻找戴
- 作为一名小有成就的播客,达米安·博斯特很享受自己的单身生活。直到一个固定炮友向他表达了自己的爱意,并发出了最后通牒。如果他在与她妈妈的早午餐上现身,她将明白他对这段感情是认真的。如果他不出现,两人将分道扬镳。达米安陷入了恐惧和困惑,但他必须抑制住逃离自己最害怕的事的冲动。
- A journalist becomes the unwanted center of attention for a 14-year-old girl whom proceeds to sabotage his life after he refuses her sexual advances
- Sydney and Darrel met while working through the trenches of chaos of low budget independent filmmaking. Like most forced to produce under pressure,
- Coming out of he closet is never easy, but the gay son has already come out to his parents. They weren't happy, but they still love him. The son
- Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. T
- 五個熱衷冒險的朋友來到都市傳說中的謀殺案發地點,準備享受充滿刺激與驚悚的露營週末,但是他們很快就發現,徘徊於此的不是只有他們五人,一個神秘殺手悄悄接近,本該要縱慾狂歡的野外假期,瞬間變調成為致命夢魘......