6A carnal and intimate Film about a group of Berliners who are looking for new ways of Living, while playing with infamous Fantasies, Pain and Sexualit生死关头
1对于Anna Carter来说,这是个不折不扣的恶梦,28岁的她却被诊断身患绝症,绚丽多彩的生活突然间崩塌.作为一个儿童基金委员会的主席,她一直致力于改观儿童的生活.但现在冷漠的她将用异样的眼光来看待这个世界. &- 一名古巴移民在纽约市的地下色情行业寻找失踪的妹妹时,与自己的跨性别身份作斗争。
- A story about a beautiful street musician suffering from memory loss and a disheartened neuroscientist intent on helping her, bringing together the ci
1In the Blood, the portrait of a medical student in his 20s and his experiences in what will bee the defining summer of his life.- 单身母亲阿曼达花在自己演唱生涯上的时间比花在自己10岁儿子身上的时间还多。如今,这些年来在低级酒吧里卖唱的日子似乎都得到了回报:阿曼达成了圣诞节电视的特邀歌手。于是她雇了一辆大卡车送儿子上山去他父亲伯纳德那里过圣诞节。但雪崩阻断了去路,卡车司机马里斯带着夜舒瓦去了当地的酒馆。看到电视上阿曼达的表演,
11Master director Joel Lamangan tells the story of Eunice aka Moonlight Butterfly, the hottest GRO in Angeles, Pampanga and the three men in her life. S