12A photographer, tasked to take photos of a rare flower in the mountain, discovers women trapped in a hidden brothel for illegal loggers. Now, he mus- Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. T
- King,一只被贩运的幼狮,在途中从机场逃出,并在 12 岁和 15 岁的 Inès 和 Alex 的家中找到了庇护所。兄弟姐妹想出一个疯狂的计划:将 King 带回非洲。不幸的是,他们尾随的海关人员并没有让他们的任务变得更容易。但是很快,Max,他们之前只见过两次的古怪祖父,加入他们的冒险……从那