- Max, a 25-year-old aspiring writer living in London, begins a double life as a sex worker in order to research his debut novel.
1Revolves around age-old practices such as black magic and witchcraft.沙漠白日
1红军战士苏哈夫连续几年在俄罗斯内战中奋勇作战,立下了赫赫战功。就在他要回家的路上,却阴差阳错地被要求护卫一群土匪头子(阿卜杜拉)的妻妾。原来,红军正在追击阿卜杜拉,阿卜杜拉嫌妻妾们碍事就把她们扔下了。苏哈夫眼前是一群美貌的东方女性,心里却思念着妻子,归心似箭……一部70年代的电影,歌颂了那个时代的英- 布达佩斯之夏,少年本该全力预备毕业考试,岂料在重重压力下难以专心,原来爱上了仅视他为好友的同学,对方却心仪已婚历史老师,加上视民主自由如洪水猛兽的父亲,官官相卫的校园文化,终如骨牌倒下。当年匈牙利力抗苏联入侵,今天大家似乎欢迎威权再现。亲历十月事件的老人记忆也变得模糊难辨,谁还可信,何可依赖?少
- Un jeune professeur est accusé de harcèlement par une de ses élèves. Même s'il est innocent, l'incident tourne à l'incendie et embrase le collège.
- Anticipation of Love has settled in a heart of a young lady. The borders between dream and passion are very elusive. Life is full of physical depriv
- Forthousandsofyears,onlyreligionhasofferedananswertowhathappensafterdeath.Scienceisabouttochangethat.Withthehelpofaphysicist,ablindmedium,andThomasEdi
27A wounded soldier awakens in a strange cube that tests his physical and mental limits as he attempts to find a way to escape against a ticking clock