- Kristin is the daughter of a prominent landowner in medieval Norway. She grows up in total harmony with the ideals of the time: strong family ties,
1When 13-year-old seminarian Sacramento Santos joins a new order, he hopes to rise through levels of obedience to “Perfect Obedience”. But this progr- Astrid was traumatized by the mysterious disappearance of a school class in 1999. Twenty years later, when she finds out that the only survivor from 1
18塔利亚·桑德维克·莫尔(《羞耻》)、安德莉亚·巴伦·郝威格([我属于])加盟挪威导演亨里克·马丁·道斯贝肯([洞窟])情色惊悚新作[外遇](An Affair,暂译)。18岁的塔利亚将化身学生,对片中44岁的女教师(安德莉亚饰)疯狂迷恋,并发生迷离婚外情。本片已于近日在奥斯陆开机,预计2018年5月- 续集继续讲述盗贼、打手、黑客、骗子等一群各有所长的人组成“侠盗”小团体,坑蒙拐骗、劫富济贫的故事,设定在上一次任务的8年后,世界发生了巨大变化。
1What really brings a small community together? When everything is at stake and sides are being taken, what does it take to stand up against the majo连接终止
13Gone Ghosting是一个受欢迎的捉鬼团队,通过直播和销售赚取了数百万美元。一天,团队的摄影师离开并泄露团队编造剧情。其他年轻人为了证明一切是属实,准备现场直播捉鬼。他们闯入一个传说中无人生还的地方,进行了有史以来最疯狂的现场直播。