1Em A Porta ao Lado, Rafa (Dan Ferreira) e Mari (Letícia Colin) vivem um relacionamento tranquilo e estável, monogâmico, dentro dos moldes mais tradi普通的乔
1一名成为高中教练的海军陆战队员采取法律立场,捍卫每个人的自由和宗教自由。- After a young girl is found dead in a secluded religious mountain community, a pack of teenage girls decide to fight against the evil spirits they b
- 十岁的奥黛丽和她的三个兄弟姐妹发现自己被遗弃在一所老房子里,他们本来打算和父亲一起度过暑假,但他在晚上突然消失了。房子周围只有密林,孩子们几次想找到出路,都无果而终。更多可怕而怪异的事件接连发生,最终四个孩子揭开真相,其实是成人后的他们为了唤醒因自杀未遂而昏迷的妹妹,将四个人的脑电波连接在一起,
- 硬汉探长查韦斯(Demián Bichir 饰)接手调查布宜诺斯艾利斯一桩凶杀案,死者是同性恋且出身名门。因为发现死者生前的同性恋人凯文(Carlos Casella 饰)存在嫌疑,查韦斯从分区警局征调来一位刚入行的小警员哥麦斯(Chino Darin 饰),指示后者扮演同志去勾引凯文。帅气青涩的哥
- In Sarajevo, a teenager seeking validation reveals that she had sex for the first time during a game of 'truth or dare' among middle schoolers. Trap
1Set in a girls' boarding school in Venice at the end of the 18th century, Gloria! tells the story of Teresa, a young visionary, who, together with a- Nadia, the sole survivor of her family's tragic fate, grapples with the looming threat of her father's sacrifice as she faces a life on the edge.
- A mad scientist is forced to leave San Francisco when his experiments become known. He lands on a tropical island, takes control and terrorizes the