1盛夏的度假时节,一位城市女人来到乡下滞留,这期间,城市女人诱惑了当地的农夫并教唆他杀死自己的妻子(Janet Gaynor 饰)以便贩卖掉农庄后私奔。被迷惑了心窍的男人早已忘记了那些同妻子共处的纯美时光,他将妻子带到河面蓄谋加害,却在要下毒手时幡然悔悟,伤心的妻子踏上了进城的列车,男人穷追不舍一同抵- 我们发推文、点赞、分享 — 但日益依赖社交媒体会带来什么后果?随着数字平台日益成为人们保持联系的重要方式,硅谷内部人士通过暴露屏幕另一侧的隐藏内容,揭示了社交媒体如何重新改写文明。
- 羞涩内向的15岁高中生戴维•莱斯(Max Thieriot 饰)拥有灰暗的童年,母亲在他5岁时离家出走,父亲则粗暴蛮横,他在学校里还经常受到同学的捉弄。某天,他不慎跌入冰窟中,却由此发现自己拥有心灵传输的神奇能力。这项能力可以让戴维凭借想象瞬间从一个地方转移到另一个地方,地与地之间从此没有障碍。
1The story is of a married woman who, grieving her inability to have children, finds comfort and healing in her friendship with another man. It's a淘气奶奶
1Four grandmothers accidentally kill a con man. When his partner shows up, things go south quickly.龙眼
1St. Jude Square is a neighborhood living in fear and despair. The dueling gangs of local kingpins Dash and Antuan terrorize the streets and the citize美式晚宴
1A on-the-lam punk rocker and a young woman obsessed with his band unexpectedly fall in love and go on an epic journey together through America's- A sharp, witty, mind-expanding and exuberant foray into the world of logic with computer scientist Professor Dave Cliff. Following in the footsteps