19影片根据同名游戏改编,“代号47”(鲁伯特·弗兰德 Rupert Friend 饰)是神秘杀手组织的头号杀手,他性格冷静,智慧过人,行动神秘低调,从来没人知道他的底细,只靠颈后位置的一个纹身条码辨认身份。- 故事讲述年轻的酿酒厂老板Jack被发现死亡,由此引发了一系列事情。他的四名员工Anna、Nancy、Louie和Cat因为一个秘密而牵扯在一起,她们约定对此保持沉默。而Anna的丈夫Max是一名警官,正在调查这起死亡事件,但他完全不知道妻子与此案有关。与此同时,四个女人的同事Tish对她们起了疑心。
- About the residents of a small town called Deerfield, who one day discover a magical, destiny-predicting machine in their grocery store.
- 蛋头先生摔了一大跤死了,以一个娃娃的形式复活,该娃娃属于一个患有痴呆症的女人,她开始回忆那黑暗恐怖的过去。。。
- A woman must rescue her husband after he is abducted by two ex-soldiers during a vicious home invasion.
- In the 1970s, one entrepreneur took America for a ride. All roads lead to #TheLadyAndTheDale, premiering January 31 at 9PM on HBO Max. From Emmy-
- Jane Austen remains one of the greatest writers of all time. Almost two hundred years after her death, her novels such as “Pride and Prejudice” and