11Based on the best selling novel from by Sylvain Reynard.- Ali Nejat Karasu is a former race-driver and a playboy turned into a businessman. He runs Karas Holdings which is part of a group his father built w
- A tragic actress hung herself in front of a shocked theatre audience. Now she haunts the theatre where she took her own life.
- 《一女一男》是一个现代故事,讲述的是年轻人在当今社会复杂的人际关系、联系和亲密关系中穿梭的故事。这部电影讲述了一个女孩的故事,一个男孩的故事,以及一个女孩和一个男孩的故事。
- Follows a group of traveling salesmen hawking lunar timeshares.
1马克,一个有着躁郁症和偏执型人格障碍的电影人,不能容忍制片人对目前的项目吹毛求疵。在剪辑员的帮助下,他偷偷把拍摄素材送到了姨妈家,设法完成他心中的电影。然而,成片时间仍被不断推迟,因为他制造了无穷无尽的转折和僵局,在滑稽和彻头彻尾的焦虑之间交替出现。- Two sisters, Becca and Rosaline, who have grown apart over the years but through tragic events learn to love and respect one another all over again.