- 阿兹拉是一名年轻女同性恋,生活在多伦多,尽情享受着自己的生活。母亲并不赞同阿兹拉所谓的生活方式,她们很少往来。父亲去世后,她开始重新审视自己的家族历史,发现保守的母亲也有一些自由的过去。
1Virgin Almond makes a wager with his three roommates—Latte, Thanwa and Peak. If one of them manages to hook him up with his crush, he'll cover one yea- 面對疫情封鎖來襲,Tom打算好好在家工作,誰知許久不見的Kendrick跑了回來。一直暗戀著Kendrick的Tom,心中春水蕩漾,豈料Kendrick是為了一個女孩回來的?與此同時,Kendrick染上了新冠肺炎。一波未平一波又起,兩人最後會如何呢?
1Virgin Almond makes a wager with his three roommates—Latte, Thanwa and Peak. If one of them manages to hook him up with his crush, he'll cover one yea棋子
9维奇(Harma Baweja饰)出身中上阶层社会,从小没有母亲,父亲没有时间与他相处。维奇冰冷孤独的世界让他变得脆弱而敏感。长期缺失爱和照顾,维奇不得不从别的地方寻找归宿。这个地方就离他的豪华公寓不远——黑帮聚集地。少女
20An urban husband and wife travel to the jungle and learn just how precious their relationship is.