3When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of- 父亲去世后,三兄妹回到了从小长大的家,如何处理父亲的老房子是他们必须解决的难题,面对至亲的离去与追忆美好的童年在这一刻碰撞在一处。导演亚历克斯·蒙托亚成功改编西班牙著名漫画家帕科·罗卡的同名作品,用改变画幅比例的巧思区隔过去与现在,拼贴那些已经逝去或将要逝去的生活剪影。本片在马拉加电影节夺得最佳剧本
1Dogleg follows amateur director Alan, played by Warren, after he loses his fiance's dog at a gender reveal party on the day of an important shoot. A- Describes how the catastrophic earthquake of 1985 had a negative impact on Along with thousands of others who were buried, a doctor with a dark past
- 传奇摄影师罗德里戈·普列托(《花月杀手》)的电影处女作在一个看似废弃的墨西哥小镇展开,在这个小镇上,过去和现在迷人地共存,这是一个关于欲望、腐败和继承的迷人故事。