1Photographer Charles Castle is numbed with grief following the death of his beautiful bride. He goes off to war, working in the trenches as a photogra- Explores the iconic actor's journey to stardom through his relationships with his mother and four wives, including Lauren Bacall, using rare footage
- Looking for a good time, two friends on a trip to Barcelona befriend a couple of girls but it's not fun they find, instead they get trapped in a hou
9讲述了两位纪录片制作人决定调查一位涂鸦艺术家的失踪事件。随着调查的深入,这两位制作人遭遇到了一扇诡异的凭空出现的木门,这扇门引领他们穿梭于不同的空间,同时开启了一段黑暗的噩梦之旅。本来只是调查失踪事件的两人很快便意识到,自己陷进了超乎想象的可怕旋涡之中...- Forthousandsofyears,onlyreligionhasofferedananswertowhathappensafterdeath.Scienceisabouttochangethat.Withthehelpofaphysicist,ablindmedium,andThomasEdi
- 一种禽流感病毒在洛杉矶传播,而一位来自治病控制中心的医生忙着找出疫苗。