- 13岁的超级天才伦内拉通过时间漩涡意外地将10吨重的恶魔恐龙霸王龙带入了今天的纽约市,两人联手保护城市的下东区免受危险。
3清晨,诺兰在森林中醒来时发现双手被反绑在树上,几经努力逃生无果。被饥渴折磨了几日后终于有一个徒步者出现,但对方安营扎寨竟然故意忽略自己,诺兰不知为何遭受这般虐待。影片虽然在室外取景,但导演马克·施科尔曼利用被束缚的活动空间营造出特殊的幽闭恐惧感,在全力刻画诺兰为存活而战的同时,也用另一种角度解释了怜- The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant.
- Chicago book editor Sarah heads back to her Amish family farm. With the help of a handsome local outsider, Dean, a friend of the Amish, they hope to
- Explores the iconic actor's journey to stardom through his relationships with his mother and four wives, including Lauren Bacall, using rare footage
- After achieving success in her younger years, the brilliant septuagenarian Madeline Matlock, played by Academy & Emmy Award Winner Kathy Bates,
15这部由“爱死机”创作者打造的亚马逊成人向动画选集,总共有15集内容,将会呈现一系列设置在各种热门游戏世界观中的原创故事,包括: Armored Core(装甲核心) Concord Crossfire(穿越火线) Dungeons & Dragons(龙与地下城) Exodus