1“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in- “Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in
3A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a be- A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a
141马里奥(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 配音)和路易吉(查理·戴 Charlie Day 饰)是生活在布鲁克林的两名水管工,他们刚刚成立了自己的小公司,但很显然,他们的家人并不完全支持兄弟两人的这份事业。某日,在工作中,马里奥和路易吉被水管吸入到了一个光怪陆离的世界之中,两人在旅途中被迫上海惊奇
1故事背景设定在上海滩的三十年代。一个聪明机智的美国小伙,戈登(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰),远渡重洋来到中国,寻找能够发财的机会。与此同时,格格里亚(麦当娜 Madonna 饰)则是一个坚定的传教士护士,她怀揣着希望通过鸦片的神奇力量来缓解病人的痛苦。两人的命运在一次偶然的相遇中交汇,从而