- 女主角WynonnaEarp由MelanieScrofano饰演,是WyattEarp的曾孙女,是个机智﹑狂野的现代枪手,她用自己的独特的能力,以及一群不太正常的盟友狙杀恶魔及超自然生物。@www.aixiaoju.com
- Syfy根据同名漫画改篇的新剧《狙魔女杰WynonnaEarp》,这部EmilyAndras开发的剧集中,女主角WynonnaEarp由MelanieScrofano饰演,是WyattEarp的曾孙女,是个机智﹑狂野的现代枪手,她用自己的独特的能力,以及一群不太正常的盟友狙杀恶魔及超自然生物。Tim
- 德国导演提姆克格入选威尼斯影展正式竞赛的《爱的时空效应》,大玩图像叙事,故事由一场在瑞士阿尔卑斯山举办的物理学盛会展开,苦心专研旷世学说的博士,邂逅谜一般的女子,她竟对他无所不知;诡云当空、怪事频传,平行宇宙奇遇即将一发不可收拾。视频从复古黑白摄影、配乐到剪辑,维妙维肖仿拟经典老片。黑色电影风格
- In the movie, three-time winner of “Best Yell in Action Film,” box office king and action star Nic Cassino is knocked off his perch by the next gene
3A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a be- A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a